Many iPhone users wonder if they can charge their devices while they are powered off. The answer is yes, you can charge your iPhone when it’s turned off. However, there are some myths and misconceptions about this topic that need to be cleared up. In this article, we will explain how you can charge your iPhone when it’s turned off, why you might want to do that, and how you can tell if your iPhone is charging when it’s off or on.

Can You Charge Your iPhone When It’s Turned Off?

Let’s face the facts with a bit more depth and understanding.

Myth vs. Reality

One of the most common myths about charging iPhones is that they need to be turned on in order to charge. This is not true. You can charge your iPhone when it’s turned off, and it will still receive power from the charger. In fact, some people prefer to charge their iPhones when they are turned off, as it can help preserve battery life and reduce overheating.

Another myth is that charging your iPhone when it’s turned off will damage the battery or the device. This is also not true. Charging your iPhone when it’s turned off is perfectly safe and will not harm your battery or your device in any way. As long as you use a compatible charger and cable, you can charge your iPhone when it’s turned off without any worries.

The Solution

So, how do you charge your iPhone when it’s turned off? The solution is simple: just plug it into a power source and leave it alone. You don’t need to do anything else. Your iPhone will automatically start charging when it’s turned off, and it will stop charging when it’s fully charged. You don’t need to turn it on or check it constantly. Just let it charge until you need to use it again.

How to Charge Your iPhone When it’s Turned Off?

If you want to charge your iPhone when it’s turned off, here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Make sure your iPhone is turned off. You can do this by holding down the power button and sliding the power off slider on the screen. Alternatively, you can go to Settings > General > Shut Down and tap the Shut Down button.
  • Plug your iPhone into a power source using a compatible charger and cable. You can use a wall outlet, a computer, a power bank, or any other device that can provide power to your iPhone.
  • Wait for your iPhone to charge. You don’t need to do anything else. Your iPhone will charge when it’s turned off, and it will stop charging when it’s fully charged.

Benefits of Charging Your Phone When It’s Turned Off

There are some benefits of charging your iPhone when it’s turned off, such as:

It Can Help Preserve Battery Life

When your iPhone is turned off, it uses less power than when it’s turned on. This means that it can charge faster and more efficiently, and it can also extend the lifespan of your battery. Charging your iPhone when it’s turned off can also prevent overcharging, which can damage your battery over time.

It Can Reduce Overheating

When your iPhone is turned on, it generates heat from the processor, the screen, the apps, and the network. This heat can increase when you charge your iPhone, especially if you use it while charging. This can cause your iPhone to overheat, which can affect its performance and durability. Charging your iPhone when it’s turned off can reduce the heat and keep your iPhone cool.

It Can Reduce Distractions

When your iPhone is turned on, you might be tempted to check your notifications, messages, emails, social media, and other apps. This can distract you from your work, your sleep, or your relaxation. Charging your iPhone when it’s turned off can help you avoid these distractions and focus on what matters.

How to Identify Whether Your iPhone Is Charging When It’s Off or On?

Here are the methods that you need to apply to understand if your iPhone is charging:

Checking for the Charging Icon

One of the easiest ways to tell if your iPhone is charging when it’s off or on is to look for the charging icon on the screen. The charging icon is a small lightning bolt that appears next to the battery icon. When your iPhone is charging, the charging icon will be visible. When your iPhone is not charging, the charging icon will disappear.

However, the charging icon is not always reliable. Sometimes, it might not show up even if your iPhone is charging. This can happen if your charger or cable is faulty, if your power source is weak, or if your iPhone is frozen or glitchy. Therefore, you should not rely solely on the charging icon to tell if your iPhone is charging.

Other Indicators of Charging

Besides the charging icon, there are other indicators that can help you tell if your iPhone is charging when it’s off or on, such as:

The Battery Level

You can check the battery level of your iPhone by turning it on and looking at the battery icon on the screen. If the battery level is increasing, it means your iPhone is charging. If the battery level is decreasing, it means your iPhone is not charging.

The Sound and Vibration

You can enable the sound and vibration settings on your iPhone to hear a chime and feel a buzz when you plug it into a power source. This can help you confirm that your iPhone is charging. However, this might not work if your iPhone is in silent mode, do not disturb mode, or low power mode.

The LED Light

Some iPhone models, such as the iPhone 12, have an LED light on the back that indicates the charging status. The LED light will glow green when your iPhone is charging, and it will turn off when your iPhone is fully charged. However, this only works if you use a MagSafe charger or a wireless charger.


You can charge your iPhone when it’s turned off, and it can have some benefits for your battery life, your device temperature, and your focus. However, you should also be aware of the myths and realities of charging your iPhone when it’s turned off, and you should know how to tell if your iPhone is charging when it’s off or on. By following these tips, you can charge your iPhone when it’s turned off without any problems.