The Calendar feature on your iPhone lets you add as many events based on your requirement. You can add them quite easily in a few steps after opening the app. Moreover, you also have various options regarding the type of event you want to add.
But, how do you remove them when you do not need them anymore? The steps for doing that might differ based on the type of event you want to remove. So, let us take a look at how to delete calendar events on iPhone.
3 Ways to Delete Events on Your iPhone’s Calendar
Your iPhone allows you to save three main types of events on the Calendar. As mentioned earlier, you must choose the appropriate method for the kind of event you want to delete. So, here are the steps for removing every kind of event on your Calendar:
Deleting a Single Event
Do you want to delete a regular event from your iPhone’s calendar? Then, open the Calendar app and find the event there. Click on it to view further details of the event.
You can edit as well as delete it from this new window. In this case, you need to delete it by clicking on Delete Event at the bottom right.
Have you set the time of the event as Busy? If yes, it would go back to Available once you have deleted it.
Deleting a Repeating Event
Have you set a repeating event on your Calendar? Then, you can delete it for a single day rather than deleting it completely. Click on the repeating event to view its details. Click on Delete Event at the bottom right as you do for deleting a single event. But, in this case, you would get two options– “Delete this event only” and “Delete all future events”.
If you choose the former option, the event will show up again at the scheduled time. Do you want to avoid that? Then, click on the latter option to stop this event from showing up again.
Deleting a Shared Event
You can also add a shared event to your iPhone’s calendar. And, it works differently as compared to the aforementioned types of events. There is no “delete” option for a shared event in the Calendar.
So, how do you remove it? If you are wondering, you need to decline it for removing it. The result of doing that is the same as deleting the event.
Open the event you want to remove and click on Decline at the bottom right. You would not see the declined event in your calendar anymore. However, it would remain in your iPhone’s inbox. So, you can conveniently accept it from there later if you change your mind.
How to Delete an entire Calendar?
Do you have too many calendars on your iPhone that you do not need? Then, you might want to delete those of no use to you. The steps for doing that differ based on the type of calendar. You must apply one of the following methods depending on which of them applies to your case:
Through the Calendar App
Did you create the calendar in question from your iCloud account? If yes, you can delete it by going to the Calendar app. Click on the Calendars option given at the bottom of the screen. Then, click on the “i” icon next to the one you want to delete. You will find the Delete Calendar option at the bottom of the new window.
But, what if you do not get the option to delete the calendar? If you are wondering, that means it is not linked to your iCloud account. You can simply delete it from the Settings in such situations.
Using the Settings
You cannot use the Settings menu on your iPhone to delete calendars created on iCloud. This option is only available to calendars linked to other accounts such as Gmail and Yahoo.
Are you using iOS 14 or later system versions? Then, navigate to the Account section through the Calendar in your Settings. On iOS 13 and earlier system versions, open the Passwords & Accounts settings and go to Accounts.
Select the account that the calendar is linked to. Then, toggle off the switch given next to the Calendar under the account. This should remove the calendar of this account from the app. You can bring it back simply by toggling this feature back on. You can also simply click on Delete Account to remove the account from your iPhone.
Deleting a Subscribed Calendar
Do you have too many unnecessary subscribed calendars on your iPhone? Then, you can delete them through the Settings menu as well. Navigate to the Accounts section based on the iOS version you are using. Find and click on the Subscribed Calendars options listed there.
Check all the calendars listed there and click the “i” icon next to the one you want to delete. Then, click on Delete Calendar to get rid of it. You should not see it on your Calendar app after you do this.
What if You are Unable to Delete Calendar Events?
You might often fail to delete events from the Calendar app on your iPhone. And, this might happen due to various reasons.
Was the calendar containing the event made by someone else? If yes, then that explains why you cannot remove the event. In such cases, you can get rid of the event only by unsubscribing from the calendar.
Did you receive the calendar event from an unknown sender? Then, simply flag it as junk and then delete it. You can also move the events to a new calendar and delete the calendar. Disabling iCloud sharing for the Calendar feature might also work in some cases.
Finally, Optimise Your Calendar
You can easily find answers to how to delete calendar events on iPhone and remove calendar events from your iPhone as we have seen. Apart from that, you might also find the aforementioned steps for removing calendars quite effective. Hopefully, they will simplify you to manage your iPhone calendars.