Unlike some TVs, PlayStation 5 doesn’t have a built-in screen mirroring function for iPhones. But fret not! There are still ways to get your iPhone screen displayed on your PS5. 

So, let’s get started.

4 Methods to Screen Mirror iPhone to PS5

Here’s a breakdown of the available methods:

Apple’s AirPlay Feature

This method isn’t directly compatible with PS5. AirPlay requires an Apple TV or other AirPlay-supported devices.

PS Remote Play App

Designed for remote PS5 control, this app can technically mirror your iPhone screen while the console is in rest mode. However, it’s not the most optimized solution for screen mirroring.

Screen Mirroring App

Third-party screen mirroring apps offer a more direct way to cast your iPhone screen to your PS5. These apps utilize a web browser on the PS5 to establish the connection.

LetsView (Alternative Tool)

This app allows mirroring through a QR code, simplifying the connection process compared to some other third-party mirroring apps.

4 Steps for Screen Mirroring iPhone to PS5 (Using a Screen Mirroring App)

Here are the steps that you need to follow to screen mirror iPhone to PS5:

1. Install and Set Up the Chosen Screen Mirroring App

There are various options available on the App Store. Popular choices include “Screen Mirroring – Cast to TV” or “MirrorMeister”. Follow the app’s specific instructions for setup.

2. Connect iPhone and PS5 to the Same Wi-Fi Network

This ensures the devices can communicate for mirroring.

3. Open the Screen Mirroring App and Start Mirroring

The app will typically guide you through the process. It might involve selecting “Start Broadcast” or a similar option.

4. Connect Through the QR code or Manually Enter the Device Code

The app will likely provide a QR code for the PS5 web browser to scan, or a device code to enter manually.

Tips for a Smooth Screen Mirroring Experience

Let’s get to know about the tips that can help you with a smooth screen mirroring experience:

  • Strong internet connection: A stable and strong Wi-Fi connection for both iPhone and PS5 is crucial to avoid lag and interruptions during mirroring.
  • Avoid high-quality media streaming: Streaming high-resolution videos or games might overload the connection and cause stuttering. Opt for lower-quality content while mirroring.
  • Proximity to router: Keep both iPhone and PS5 relatively close to your Wi-Fi router for a stronger and more reliable signal.


While there’s no native AirPlay support on PS5, these methods offer workarounds to screen mirror your iPhone. Using a dedicated screen mirroring app or LetsView provides the most streamlined experience. Remember to ensure a strong Wi-Fi connection for a smooth mirroring session. Enjoy watching your favorite iPhone content on the big screen!